KnitProPlus 2.0 source
knitProPlus is a web application that translates digital images into knit, crochet, needlepoint and cross-stitch patterns. You can try the newest version online.
- knitProPlus 1.0 (current version)
Initial version based on KnitPro 2.0 from microRevolt 26th July 2010
To install knitProPlus on your own machine, download the source archive above and copy it into a directory on your web server. Your web server must have PHP version 4 or 5, including support for the GD library.
For questions or comments about knitProPlus, please use our contact form.
KnitProPlus is a modified version the original KnitPro by microRevolt
knitPro and KnitProPlus were built using PHP Pdf Creation software developed by R&OS Ltd.
This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL.